Software Development
Effective Rapid Application Development
Effective RAD: Agile Rapid Application Development
Effective RAD: Rapid Application Development

Effective RAD: Agile Rapid Application Development

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Effective RAD: Agile Rapid Application Development

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the principles of the Agile software process
  • describe how the principles of Agile development can be applied to Rapid Application Development
  • describe how to manage quality during the Agile software process
  • describe quality concerns that can occur during the Agile software process
  • describe rapid software prototyping and its benefits
  • describe the pros and cons of rapid prototyping
  • describe the steps to achieving effective prototyping
  • describe how the CI/CD pipeline can be used to deliver software at a higher velocity
  • describe how continuous integration can be used to deliver software at a higher velocity
  • describe how continuous delivery can be used to deliver software at a higher velocity
  • describe how continuous deployment can be used to deliver software at a higher velocity
  • describe the differences between continuous integration, delivery, and deployment
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Agile principles will be reviewed and how they can be applied to Rapid Application Development and also how to manage Agile quality to prevent issues. The effectiveness of rapid software prototyping will be discussed along with methods and processes for delivering software at a higher velocity.


Prerequisites: none

Effective RAD: Rapid Application Development

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Effective RAD: Rapid Application Development

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the key concepts of Rapid Application Development
  • describe the Rapid Application Development Model and its advantages and disadvantages
  • describe the traditional Waterfall System Development Life Cycle
  • differentiate between Rapid Application Development and the Traditional Waterfall System Development Life Cycle
  • differentiate between Rapid Application Development and the Agile framework
  • describe the considerations and characteristics of Rapid Application Development
  • describe the best practices when performing rapid software delivery
  • describe the customer-oriented Rapid Application Development framework
  • describe the best practices for creating a customer-focused development culture
  • describe the tools and frameworks that can be used for Rapid Application Development
  • describe the tools and platforms that can be used for cross-platform Rapid Application Development
  • quickly create an application using the Xamarin development tool
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Rapid Application Development can rapidly deliver software solutions that keep your customers engaged and provide the benefits that they are looking for. In this course, you値l learn about the RAD methodology, including its advantages and disadvantages, and the traditional Waterfall System Development Life Cycle methodology. You値l then examine comparisons of RAD with the traditional Waterfall SDLC methodology and with the Agile framework. Next, you値l learn about the considerations and characteristics of RAD and the best practices when performing rapid software delivery. You値l explore the customer-oriented RAD framework, including best practices, and available RAD tools and frameworks. Lastly, you値l learn about cross-platform RAD tools and frameworks and how to create an application using the Xamarin development tool.


Prerequisites: none

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